There is something sugary about Sharon Ellis’ new psychedelic paintings that are reminiscent of my favorite childhood board game, Candy Land, nostalgic of gingerbread plum trees, the peppermint stick forest, Queen Frostine and Princess Lolly. Ellis’ paintings also remind me of the last time I took mushrooms and indulged in looking up at the glittering night sky.
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During a fifth-grade field trip in 1966, Sharon Ellis' class shuffled into the San Diego Museum of Art and listened dutifully as a docent told the children why they should like a painting depicting a young girl. Sharon wasn't so sure. She decided she didn't like the painting. Or the girl in the painting.
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During a fifth grade field trip in 1966, Sharon Ellis’ class shuffled into the San Diego Museum of Art and listened dutifully as a docent told the children why they should admire a painting featuring a young girl as the subject. Sharon wasn’t so sure. She decided she didn’t like the painting–or the girl in the painting.
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