Lita Albuquerque - Art Media Agency

Kohn Gallery representing Lita Albuquerque

Los Angeles’ Kohn Gallery is now representing artist Lita Albuquerque.

Lita Albuquerque is an American installation, environmental artist, painter and sculptor. Born in California, she has been a part of the Light and Space movement, renowned for her ephemeral installations and Land Art pieces. She has been commissioned to create public art around the world at locations including the Washington Memorial and the Great Pyramids, she also represented the US at the Sixth International Cairo Biennale where she took the top prize.

Michael Kohn is hold an exhibition dedicated to the artist, due to open 15 November 2014. The show will focus on Albuquerque’s “Stellar Axis: Antarctica” project from 2006, which saw her lay out 99 blue spheres across the South Pole, mirroring the sky above, in what was the first large-scale work made in Antarctica. The gallery show will feature photographs, film, objects and archive materials from the piece.
